A particular scenario may require players to travel for 30 minutes and unload passengers at a single stop, while another may involve stopping at multiple stops along a route that could take a couple of hours. Standard scenarios and career mode missions differ in terms of their difficulty, which can either be easy, medium, or hard, and in the length of the route. Outside of the Quick Drive menu, players have access to a variety of standard scenarios and career mode missions that generally involve either picking up and unloading passengers or loading freight trains with various goods. This is by far one of the easiest methods to pick the desired variables and then proceed straight into the game. The environment variable expands into three settings including the time of day, weather type, and season.

Another added feature includes the Quick Drive menu that allows players to easily set the variables of train, route, and environment with a couple clicks before donning the conductor's hat.

The Collection menu also includes filters that can categorize content by geographical location and type of locomotive. The introduction of images that showcase the various routes and trains is a vast improvement over last year's version of the game. Additional routes and trains that can be purchased directly through Steam are displayed alongside in a related content column. Upon starting the game, players are greeted with the newly added Collection menu that displays images of all the available routes and trains for selection. Ultimately, the most rewarding aspect of Train Simulator 2013 occurs as the end destination is reached after a lengthy and endurance-testing route. Train routes range from Sherman Hill railway in Wyoming to the European countryside in the trek from London to Brighton. As well, added options of gameplay including a Quick Drive menu and Steam Workshop integration ensure that both experienced and new players have a wide assortment of content available no matter if their preferred choice of locomotive is either steam, diesel, or electric. You will encounter many things that may affect your movement and weather conditions, changes in time and day that somehow affect your management.Originally known as RailWorks in its initial releases, Train Simulator 2013 from developer follows last year's version with new features and tweaks to the menu and gameplay that result in an experience that is less complicated for players new to the series.

If you do not keep a close eye on the route, you can run into another train. The world around you will be most realistic so that you can feel like a real driver. You will take control of the performance of the train to prevent any accidents and move the train without any unpleasant consequences. In addition, you will need to take full control of the train, so as not to get into trouble. Try to be attentive to the passengers to comfortably deliver them to their destination.
You will play the role of the driver who will carry different types of goods and passengers from one point to another. Train Simulator 2018 is a simulator style game where the main theme is trains.